The four-story mixed-use building is designed to combine first floor retail space, second and third floor offices, and lower level storage...

Tidewater Outfitters

The four-story mixed-use building is designed to combine first floor retail space, second and third floor offices, and lower level storage. A first floor deck projection extends from retail sales out to, and connects with, the boating piers of the marina. Design features include large custom sailcloth sun shades and a traditional retail storefront along the public access side of the facility. The split-level site configuration facilitates at-grade access on two levels.


Tidewater Outfitters
100 Bourbon Street
Havre de Grace, MD 21078

Tidewater Outfitters
Location: Havre de Grace, MD | Year Completed: 2006
Construction Cost: $3.2M | Project Size: 36,000 sqft
Services: Basic Architectural Services/Interior Design
Professional Recognition:

Award of Merit – 2006 Keystone Chapter of Associated Builders & Contractors

Photo Credit: Lori Stahl